JTC Smart TV suddenly plays videos quickly and without sound?


I have the JTC Smart TV and when I connected to my phone in the beginning, videos on YouTube and Netflix played fast and without sound (fuzzy) …

This has happened repeatedly even without my phone connected, sometimes just after a few days. I reset the TV over and over again and then it worked again but logging on to YouTube still does not work (since the beginning).

Do you know what I can do there?

Maybe it would be nice if you can recommend Smart TV'S that you tell me this…


Can only imagine that the hardware or software has a bird. If you have bought the TV or warranty is still on it, I would complain the part!

Several years ago, we bought a TV with a built-in DVD player. And this DVD player did not work from the first day!

No matter which DVD we have inserted, it appeared every time: Disc Error.

The device complained and it was good!