How can I end it with him?


So I met a boy 3 weeks ago and from then on we met regularly. We don't talk very much when we meet. He has been to me 3 times. The third time we cuddled and he tried to touch me upstairs. I didn't say anything because I'm too shy.
I think it's just too fast. I like him and he wants to meet me several times a week and call me every night. And that's not for me, I actually prefer to relax and watch Netflix at home.

Incidentally, I'm 16 and he is 17. He has had a lot of experiences with girls, while I have none at all.
I also noticed that this neglects school and this year I have my MSA and I don't want to screw that up through a relationship.

Does anyone have any idea how to end the fast relationship (I don't know what it's called xD)? He is fully interested in me and I don't want to give him any additional hope.

My girlfriend's girlfriend had something with him and he did the same to her (just touched above). He's already done it with a classmate (his first time) I really don't want to hurt him, because, according to my sister and her boyfriend, many have already basketed him. Many also say that he is just awesome xD.

I'm really unsure. Maybe I should give him a chance after all? I've never been in a relationship.


Tell him that you're going too fast and that you don't want to have a steady relationship for the next six months. And that you expect more from a relationship than smooching and fumbling. And that if he is serious and believes that he can do it, he can invite you to stroll around the Christmas market in your city if he has something interesting to tell (maybe even with extras).

Prolonging and not ending a non-relationship out of pity doesn't help you or him. A frank word helps you and maybe him at least once.

There's a pretty old saying: Better to end with horror than to end with horror.


The guy seems to be awesome. Simply grabbing it after 3 weeks is too fast. You simply tell him that a relationship is currently out of the question for you because you want to pay more attention to other things in life.


I would best just tell him plainly and clear: that it was going too fast and you would now rather concentrate on school and therefore put the 'relationship' in the back for now.


You have no common interests, you are not interested in sex with him.

Tell him you just don't match.

Kindness does not help him.


Thank you for your help.