I have the problem that whenever a family member Netflix etc. Looks my Internet on the PC is bad and I permanently suffer from ping spikes
My PC is connected to Lan and we have a 50K line
This 50K connection is not enough to do both at the same time
Maybe you can help me to fix this problem because it sucks in the long run really
Rent faster line and rent better ping.
Punch the others off the net.
Buy a router that has the ability to share data speed.
The line is enough. But: you have to test if you even receive so much. That's not always the case. Because if you received 50K, it should not be a problem
Lesson # 3433: PING has nothing to do with bandwidth.
But I'm surprised that Netflix should run on a 50K line.
That's slower than an analogue modem.
If the number is correct, then in fact your line is overloaded.
When I do a speedtest I receive so c.a. 48 k
I suppose he means 50,000 kbit / s or 50 Mbit / s. Most people do not like it with units.