Is This Laptop Good For School Use?


My laptop broke recently, so I need a cheap, good replacement.

I will use the laptop for school purposes, i.e. Office, Skype etc. Otherwise I would like to be able to use Spotify, Netflix and Youtube.

This is the link:

Please only answer if you know your way around. Otherwise I'm also open to other suggestions.


4 GB RAM, 64 GB internal storage

Can't imagine using something like that without getting angry. XD

You could look out for B-goods or tested used goods / refurbished.


If you won't be happy with that part, add 150 euro on top, and you have a part that is much, much better.

Celeron CPUs are terrible because the computer freezes for hours when you open a YouTube video.

Also, no Windows programs run on a Chromebook


4 Gb RAM is very little. I would recommend 8 or even 16 to you.


You can certainly get it to work somehow, but which programs run on the Chrome OS operating system - you have to look carefully. So look which programs you need and whether they run on them.

Windows programs do not run on this operating system.

Is this hardware good enough to run with Windows? Before I start this experiment, it is better to buy a laptop with suitable hardware and a working Win10.

Information about Chrome OS:


I would buy a used laptop if I were you.


Buying used hardware is also a good idea. Then again from the dealer with a 2-year guarantee. E.g. Here:

I have now selected this because it is approx. In your price range that you specified with the type linked in the question. If you have more available, it of course makes sense to take a closer look at what is best for your money.


But please do not use it privately, you can be lucky, but mostly not. So used by the dealer, for example, can be made without hesitation.


I also bought mine used privately, but of course I had the necessary knowledge and knew what I was getting.


Yes, the FS obviously doesn't have that. I would therefore not, with a clear conscience, recommend ebay classifieds or the like to buy used privately.