As a dual student, how do you properly deduct laptop etc. For tax purposes?


For the last few hours I have dealt in great detail with the subject of income tax returns. I'm a dual student for high-level administration.

It started in September 2020 with a 6 month practical phase / introductory phase in an administration and now in March 2021 I'm completely at the university and also seen as a "student". So I didn't get a student ID until March.

Since my laptop was really a catastrophe, I bought a new one in November for 949 euro, then of course used it privately but also for notes for the introductory phase and now of course mainly for my studies through the online lectures. Can I now deduct my laptop for tax in 2020? Probably no longer for 60-70% (since I actually google it now except for a few private things / maybe use an hour of Netflix only for studying) but maybe only deduct 50%?

I'm not sure if it could be a problem that I bought the laptop in 2020, but is only now considered a "student"? But my apprenticeship started in September 2020 …

I'm a little confused at the moment and hope to get nice advice.


You can only "discontinue" the depreciation over 3 years for a laptop. You can estimate your private share.


Do you even pay taxes? - or is it just the social security contributions?

so do you earn> 1000 euro / month?


I earn more than 1000 euro a month and also pay taxes, don't know if that's important, but I'm currently a civil servant.


Do I have to distribute it that way or does it not work completely if I paid "only" 945 euro for the laptop, wasn't there a limit?


It doesn't matter that you are a civil servant… But most of the people in training earn less than 1000 euro and are then quite amazed that they don't have to file a tax return because they don't pay any taxes and thus can't get anything back.

hence my request.