What to do with friend in the evening?


So I know a boy for 12 months from the internet. We telen every day and write very often. We met last weekend and went a little bit into town. Both times our parents were there. Somehow I loved the first view. Now he comes this weekend but this time to me. I live in a very small village, there's not so much in the evening. I would like to watch Netflix or something with him and kiss, etc. But I'm definitely not ready for sex. What can I do in the evening? Something romantic?


Netflix and popcorn is a good start.

Blanket, dimmed light and possibly strawberries and chocolate.


You should always talk to him and say what you want and what you do not want to try to spend time with him not with any movies is best to walk somewhere and try to tell things about you to others.


If you do not want sex, that's ok.

You can still kiss and cuddle, if something goes too far for you, stop him and tell him that you are not ready for it yet.

A movie night sounds great, you can get a few goodies (chips, popcorn, fruits, whatever you like) and ask him if he has any wishes.