Was there a ghost in my girlfriend? What should i do


My father died 4 years ago. I went to my friend's house yesterday. Everything was fine we watched Netflix and then we went to sleep. Then I woke up yesterday at approx. 9 o'clock and was on the cell phone. My friend woke up at 10 a.m. And looked a bit strange. She didn't even blink. She sat on her bed and looked at the floor. I said Ehh hello? ' she slowly moved her head in my direction and said how many years ago Selina? I started to laugh and asked what that was about. Then she says don't you know me anymore? I said that of course I know her. Then she said okay this is great (a nickname of mine) and I started to get scared. How so? This nickname seemed familiar to me… Then I remembered my father always called me that. Nobody else! She didn't even know the nickname! I said nothing, I was just shocked. Then she said yes, it's me! Then I was absolutely shocked. I almost wanted to fall over. Then her back fell back (on the bed), she closed her eyes and opened it after a few seconds. Then I meant HELLO? She replied that I shouldn't be so loud please… Then I said hello who are you? Then she said haha I'm Hannah who else? (That's my girlfriend's name) I was relieved. I asked her why she did that… But she just said what did I do? I told her everything but she doesn't believe me… Was my father's spirit in her?


Was my father's spirit in her?

maybe it was your father. But it may also be that your girlfriend took you on the arm. Only your father and / or your girlfriend can answer these questions

What should I do?

live on.


Pure superstition

Maybe she was kidding you or sleeping

Who you gonna call?

I've always wanted to say that


My girlfriend certainly didn't pick me up. She has no idea what I'm talking about and says to me that I imagined it or dreamed it all.


Well. Then only your father can give you the answer. Unfortunately, this is not possible (I'm also very sorry).

I would not turn my life upside down because of that, little one.


The father's mind was not, if at all, a demon.

I know what it is like when demons take over people, not only occupy them, but also take complete control of the body in the short term. It is disgusting, but you can drive them out through the authority of Jesus Christ. It is probably the father's fault that his daughter got the demon. Some occult sins or something. Statues of idols, rituals or the like.

This is a short interview with a person who has dissociative identity disorder. You can clearly see how demons manifest in her. It's a little frightening and creepy, maybe don't look until tomorrow (now it's getting dark soon).

I think the interviewer is highly questionable and not credible. But the manifestations are real.


It is possible that your father's spirit used her body to speak.

There's a similar report from a deceased woman who used another woman's body to speak. But this woman had media skills without knowing it. The case was about the announcement of a rebirth which also happened. The video was on yt with Rudolf Passian a few years ago, but I don't find it quick. It may also have been censored by some "artificial intelligence".