How should I ask her about the next step?


I (m / 15) know such a girl (f / 15) … We have known each other for 2 - 3 years and have already done a lot. At the moment she comes to me almost every day and we watch Netflix or something like that. We're very close (so physically) and I think she wants sex because she sometimes writes me why we don't actually have one… I would like to take the next step but I don't know how. What should I do?

Oh yeah, we're not in a relationship and we're both single.


Start kissing or cuddling her and then the kissing results and often more


It is best to speak to her directly after she is with you, or you with her, but otherwise I would try physical innuendos such as stroking the shoulder or leg or kissing her or asking if you can kiss her, because some Girls don't like that xD


Watch a movie and cuddle and then you just look at her, kiss her and then stroke the inside of her thigh. Only when you notice that she likes it do you go higher. You can tell that she likes it when she either doesn't say anything against it or doesn't push your hand away from there. The best thing to do is to just ask her if that's okay with her.

oh and kisses on the neck help too

have fun.