Series Timeless - Doesn't that change the time even more if you give yourself a name from today's era (see details)?


The new season "Timeless" is coming to Netflix. The good guys have to prevent the bad guys from changing time, etc.

In any case, the good ones always give themselves names from the present day when they have to introduce themselves. So something like Taylor Swift, John McClane, Lando Calrissian or similar.

In one episode they even bring out an important record and because one called himself Lando Calrissian, it was on the record. Couldn't that mean the type of Star Wars is now called differently because the makers don't want to take a name that is already famous? And does that change the time again? Butterfly Effect and Star Wars is not as successful as it was before.

Wouldn't it be smarter to use "neutral" names when traveling through time? It is clear to me that they are joking for the series ;-).


Only Lando Calrissian is relevant, since this is an artificial name (at least I don't know in which real language that would be a common name). All others have parts of normal naming, and they happen again and again.

To postulate now that, for example, the success of Star Wars depended, among other things, on the name of one of the characters, I think is somewhat exaggerated. Likewise, the Die Hard series would probably have been just as successful, the protagonist would have been Jack Smith.


A trip to the past would definitely change the future. This would remove the reason for the time travel or the time of the time travel would change and therefore the original travel would not take place.