Leaving a friend for the second time, despite new reasons?

- in Movies

I'm with my boyfriend for the 2nd time. The first relationship lasted 9 months, but due to the jealousy and impulsiveness as well as the isolation from friends, leads to a separation despite love. I left him and shortly afterwards we both had new partners The time passed and we were separated for 6 months. When we walked across the street that night while partying, it was like before and it went relatively quickly again. (I was single again and he was too). Now I notice that I somehow give more than he does. Sure, we go out to eat, etc. But he often doesn't accept that I have a low libido due to the pill. In addition, he has become a total sleeping pill that likes to be comfortable. Me I started exercising and I see more and more successes and I feel better and it just stagnates. I actually find it very thin but so far it had never bothered me so much… Now I have, among other things, Fear of becoming "stronger" than him. I also often have to pull everything out of his nose that is only annoying in the long run. When we do something together & he, for example, When I come to me, it has already happened that he first falls asleep and then we eat and watch a movie and although we go to sleep at the same time, he sleeps until 1 p.m. 2 p.m. That bothers me in the long run, too, he still lives at 26 at home and has just finished his apprenticeship and currently (also due to Corona) no work. I often ask him how things are going in this regard. However, he hardly asks me. I have the feeling he is hanging down, but I don't feel like running after him. He often rejects suggestions and is actually old enough. I think you should actually be a little more independent or get help at that age (therapy). But I can't break his heart for the second time either. I have the feeling to be much more committed and fun-loving than him. (I'm only 21, but at 26 you should still be mmn). He is a real sleeping pill that I can only motivate from time to time. Mostly we eat something and watch Netflix, etc. I don't know if it's ou f duration would be very monotonous or what it would be like to live together. I'm afraid that the work will hang on me again in the end. I also have to teach and show him a lot of things (e.g. Cooking and normal everyday things). That's why I sometimes see him as not so attractive, because he doesn't try as much as in the beginning (which is normal) but also behaves so childishly (even during an argument). Is it toxic or am i standing in line? Does anyone have any experience here?


It's a perfectly normal and average relationship.

Everyone just thinks of themselves… Sure.


Girl… It won't work.

It's sad that you are more mature than him, although he is significantly older than you. I even wonder why you guys got together again. You have clearly grown apart. You develop further, he stops. You don't fit together anymore.

There's no point in staying with him just because you don't want to break his heart even though you're moving in completely different directions.

That can't work with you and that's certainly not hiring on your part.

Break up. That won't work in the long term.


First, talk quietly about these things and try to find a solution. Also tell him that you can't go on as it is now and that he has to work on himself and that you will be happy to support him. How should he know how you feel if you don't tell him? And then just wait and see if something happens or not. If not, you can still leave him. But there was sure to be a reason why you got back together, so it would be a shame if you throw it away again without at least trying to save the relationship. That's what you're together for after all. If you break up again, please forever. A second chance can be good and it can work, but if it doesn't, you've already proven twice that it just doesn't fit. Then you should let it go.


You overtook him. You developed differently and further. In the long run this will not work because he can no longer follow you and slows you down.

Talk Tachles to Him. Even if it hurts. It's called partnership, not towing. Maybe he'll wake up and take his chance while there's still one


I bring up the topic more often. Since it could possibly be health-related (thyroid gland) I wait until he possibly gets the medicine. But I know or don't know what to do if he stays on it like that "sleeping pill-like" also can't say whether he was already so energetic before the 1st relationship (So, whether it's just his character). Since I'm already trying to motivate him, he already had some "high" phases, where he, for example Also did sport etc. Only these mmn don't last long enough. Meanwhile I hardly feel like having sex (although this is also due to the previous relationship, there was an incident), but still do it. Even with the "pressure" of him or to have the feeling that he would like to again, so to speak. Somehow it's only getting worse right now, and the last time he argued, he said I wasn't going to bother. It's hard for me, and he actually knows it too. And I try hard but somehow he doesn't see it. And yes, we could never forget and still hang on to one another. Love is probably not enough if the behavior does not change… But I always hope very strongly for the best


Seen that way, yes, but if we don't have one for 2 weeks, and he somehow feels like giving a BJ or by hand. I was flabbergasted. It's also kind of an indirect pressure for me: /. Yeah… I always hope for the best, but with him I'm just unsure about a lot of things at the moment and I can't judge it well would be in the future. Sounds pretty stupid with your sister, I'm sorry.