Watch less Netflix?


I have Netflix and it is very distracting. I can't stop doing it do you have any tips?


Cancel subscription.

Only achieve what you intend to do. Then activate a 1 month subscription again as a reward.


It's easy: cancel your subscription. After a while you should get used to doing without Netflix and when you buy a subscription again you should - if you live with someone or have someone you have a lot of contact with - hire someone to keep an eye on them has your Netflix consumption. And you should also write yourself a schedule of when to when you can watch Netflix (maybe every evening, for example, an episode or a movie before bed) and also write down when and when you actually watched. If you notice it's getting out of hand, quit.



Limit the use of mobile devices where you can stream it.
Plan A: overcome yourself and quit Netflix
Plan B, if you just can't get over yourself like me and can't go through with Plan A: Get people to quit for you.
Plan C, if you just can't get over yourself like me and can't go through with Plan B: Let your parents know… They'll do the rest.
Plan D for Plan C: Throw away TVs and all other devices, so come on… You don't want to get here, do you? So go ahead! Back to Plan A!