Need help less to be on the cell phone?


I don't manage to be on the cell phone any less, I catch myself answering the phone for little things… I wanted to google something for a moment and suddenly found myself on instagram or reddit, then on youtube… Are there any tricks to make me do it less or not at all do more? I could spend the time on my cell phone more productively or more sensibly. In addition, everyone has been annoying me lately on WhatsApp and the Internet… Still, I use my cell phone too often. During the break at school, before going to bed, when I'm out and about… What can I do? I still want to be able to listen to music or use netflix and Youtube, but not overly like usual, not for hours.


I don't know if samsung also has it, but apple can set app limits and timeouts

otherwise there are some apps for it


Try the Freedom app