Do you still watch TV? Is TV still good?


Yes I have seen that the question has already been asked.
The last few years, like so many others, I've kept my distance from television with my own PC in my room. It never really bothered me either, no, I thought it was good, because I did not have to watch ads all the time, and I could see through a series in one day.
But now, I sit in front of the Netflix start page again and again and just do not know what to look for. I thought about whether it was not good to get a program on the different channels, what determines itself and on which one has no influence, that one does not see through series in one day, but sees slowly piece by piece, to longer to have something of it, that there are commercial breaks to take care of other things and whether these are getting longer, because we care less and less about our fellow human beings… Please write me your opinions here below


Do not know any of the active television looks except small children.

pure waste of time,

advertising must be switched because the broadcaster would otherwise earn nothing. The employees do not live by love but somehow have to feed their families.


Okay, are you watching movies / TV shows alone in your room? Or do you still see her with other people?


When friends come to see us together, otherwise I'll see something on my own.


Okay, may I ask how long has it been like this and if you used to watch with your family when you were watching TV?


I watched TV until I was 16, always alone some schmitz who ran in the afternoon TV.


They want to sell their products that's already clear. Advertising also often lies or exaggerates. I hardly look at classic television anymore. If you want to look at a site on a site two spots because it is funded so that is still okay but the private people really exaggerate it now. Also runs on the private eh almost only scrap. ARD and ZDF are not much better. At most Terra X you can look at it. If I watch online but rather movies series less easy because I have no time to watch a lot of series, not even of streaming services. I wonder anyway how people who work normally, have to study for exams or have a family have the time to watch tens of shows regularly even if it's on Netflix. Are not they doing something else?


What you describe here, I know well, but I had the problem over the years that I'm always desperately browsed through the Netflix categories, but nothing that has appealed to me, but I knew that it certainly "the" right movie or "the" right series there, I did not stop looking. It was different when it came to TV, I tuned through the channels and when I did not find anything I liked, I just did something else, box out and out. Now I wonder if this is in any way related to television itself.


Of course there's advertising for profit maximization.

I only watch very little TV. Turn on only if I notice that something interesting is running. For example, American football, football or other.