Is a MacBook worth it?


I'm thinking of getting a MacBook (not for playing games, only for school and privately for Netflix, Internet, etc…).
What are your experiences? Is Apple Really Better Than Other Brands? Is a Macbook Worth the Money?


I'm pretty happy with my MacBook Air (have had it for a little over 3 years)

Certainly well suited for school and private purposes


Way too expensive. For your area of application, you can get away with worlds cheaper with a Windows notebook


My mother and father have one, but to be honest, I think an Ipad works too. In the end, I think it's too much money. My parents use it differently than I do (I use it to watch films and give presentations create, for school) it is a lot of money and in my opinion an iPad is really very good quality, but you save the money and still have good quality as I said I only use it to watch Netflix and YouTube and now and then too for school if I have to create a presentation I'm completely satisfied so I would recommend it to everyone✌🏽💖


An iPad works just as well for your purposes and the pencil is great for school.


I'd rather get a laptop with Windows 10. These are cheaper and the software selection is much larger with Windows 10.

I would recommend this: This one comes with Windows 10 Pro. Just leave the preselection as it is.

Windows 10 also has the Microsoft Store, where you can install apps. There are e.g. Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Ebay, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and many more. You should always use the apps instead of the website if possible.