Recommend scary movies to me?

- in Movies

I'm looking for good horror movies. I'm not that splatter fan. I rather like movies about mysterious events, ghosts or scary creatures etc. So if you know a scary horror movie, I would be glad if you could suggest one. But please one that you can also buy in the store, because unfortunately I have no Netflix.


Psycho, Blair Witch Project, Rosemary's baby, needful things…


Ui blatantly, except for blair witch project, I've never heard of the movies, thanks!


I'm not very well versed in horror movies, but for me personally, "Event Horizon" always gives me goose bumps.

A classic is also the first film of the "Alien" series.

If you want to see a horror movie with good effects from the old school, I recommend you "The thing from another world".

A horror film that was not so tingling, but had a really devastating end, was "The Fog, Mist of Dread," the remake.

Less horror, but more thriller with ghosts is "The Others", which is also really good.


Yesterday I was actually in HELLBOY that was so weird and then from 16J

Could you really call it macho-laden horror spectacle


Thanks for the asterisk