Horror movies still scary?

- in Movies

I currently have the problem that I find on Netflix, or more generally no horror movies more that when I look at them scare or shock, maybe I just look at the wrong movies.

Do you have recommendations for really scary horror movies?


Look at it: is there streaming, by cult director Bunuel, as the blood freezes in your veins. Without much effort… Evella



Try a few classics:

Wolfen, 1981 by Micheal Wadleigh, who gets along without splatter.

Otherwise, all parts of Sisi, if they do not scare you, then I do not know.


The Conjuring was quite good, if you have not seen him yet… Do not know what you're looking for, horror movies… Some want slaughter, the others want something that nerves tickles demanding.


Annabelle, Sinister, The Conjuring, The Grudge, Mama, The Boy, The Purge