Good horror series / movie for beginners on Netflix?

- in Movies

So far, I've only watched Zombieland (I did not think it was really scary, it was really funny) from the genre "horror movie". I'm looking for movies and series that are not too scary and disturbing. I just want to know if I can do anything with horror movies or if I'm too scared. I have ever searched for horror series but have found interesting series on Netflix until now only the series Penny Dreadfull because I do not know if the series is not too scary.


The Curse - The Grudge
Silent Hill
The ritual
Haunted in Hill House (Series)


OK, thank you, because they are all suitable for beginners because I'm already spooky in Hill House because it is on the Internet but everywhere the series should be really scary. I do not know if this is something for me.


So apart from the fact that Zombieland is not a horror movie, I would advise you to start with the fiercest. Buckle up and look at night, alone in the room. * joke *; P

my top five for beginners who are not that old:

1. Paranomal Activity Parts

2. Blair Witch

3. Conjuring

4. Get Out (which is very soft and has, I think, where else its still strong.) Definitely worth seeing)

5. Train to Busan (Zombie / Horror)

In addition, there are of course classics, like Scream, Freddy K. Chucky and beat me dead…

The film that shocked me the most was actually next to Paranomal Activity 1 (first horror movie and I was 8th due to the realistic setting) … REC 1! So REC 1 was already one of the most violent movies I've ever seen in the horror genre… REC 2 also went but the rest of the parts were nothing.


Just look and if it's too hard for you, switch off.


PS: REC 1 & (2) are absolutely worth seeing. So if you dare, you can't forget them.


Train to Busan is so sad ahh


Conjuring is very popular and good.


You are also aware that a second part will come in 2020/21?

PS: Otherwise, there's still such an animated film in the same world, but as a prequel. I did not think it was that good, just because it was animated and I could not take animated zombies seriously.


OK, thanks for the tips, I'll take a look


Actually, there were no tips, but recommendations on my part.


Yes, there are recommendations 👍

I saw that there's a scream series on Netflix so as I understand it, this is just a modern movie. What do you think of the series? Because I would like to watch something like Scream or Nightmare on Elm Street or something, but that does not help on Netflix.


Well, the series is not as good as the classics. It's obvious, but it could be that you do not want to see the classics anymore. Your decision. On Netflix, there's, ES ", if I'm not mistaken. He is also quite good