Which streaming services are good for great films, families and teen films?

- in Movies

My parents thought about keeping my room regularly clean and my own bathroom that they want to use a streaming service.

The best is streaming services where you can pay without account data and without paypal credit cards.

The best are top up cards from the streaming service.

I know that you can pay at Netflix with these Netflix cards, does anyone have good experiences with it?

And are there other streaming services where you can pay with top up cards?

My favorite would be Netflix


Watched TV


OK thanks


Ne is illegal.

Had the app for 5 minutes and looked at kirz at nee series about 60 days ago.

if you use them regularly it can be that you get a fine, depending on how many films you have watched you have to pay.


Haha I know that 😂

By the way: the app is LEGAL only the URL illegal… You already know what I'm talking about…


Yes, I used the URL for 5 minutes 60 days ago. After that I deleted everything.