Small talk after a date with a crush?

- in Movies

I had a date in the cafe with my crush two weeks ago.

It went well and then she had to quarantine Corona. Last week we watched a film about Netflix at the same time and wrote about it at the same time and then telephoned for 2 hours.

Now we want to meet again when she can, but our messages consist more of small talk.

Today, for example, only the news that she is eating soup, the corona test is negative and a picture that she found very cute and funny was sent.

Is that a bad sign or normal if you don't know each other well?

So don't write more than 6/7 messages a day, some days not either


If you felt that the date went well, then she probably did too. Or maybe she's just too shy to write more for fear of rejection. I wouldn't talk directly to a boy about anything even after 2 weeks. It will be OK


It sounds like you get along well. I wouldn't worry about your messages being small talk. She probably just prefers to talk to you personally than to write, or she is not a cell phone enthusiast and doesn't like to text 😊


Remember, everyone approaches a new relationship differently. Your first date apparently went positive and she reacted within the quarantine, which contains a positive sign.

It's also up to you to expand the small talk. You have the opportunity to increase their interest in the upcoming date. Monosyllabic is not one of them, but imagination that you can inspire.