Meet with Crush, how to approach?

- in Movies

The day after tomorrow my friends (including my crush) and I meet with a friend. We will also see a movie on Netflix. What could I do to somehow approach him, something like holding hands or something? I do not even know if he is still on me and there are still the others there who did not notice. Last time we met everyone was downstairs, I wanted to go behind but he grabbed me and pulled me back After talking briefly about past experiences, he came up to me and put his hands on my hips and I somehow automatically put on his shoulders. Somehow I hope that again something like that happens only that it may come from me the first step, so to speak, but I do not know what to do and what I should talk about because I'm very nervous and unsure of everything concerning him. Sry for the long Text. I would be grateful for a few suggestions


Just hug and cuddle up to the movie. If he is on you he will find it cute. Otherwise he will just dodge, but the earth keeps turning.


Hmm, but if you're watching a movie that's almost perfect! You just manage to sit side by side on a sofa!

If in doubt, if you do not agree, you might need some support from a local friend or something! He could be sitting next to him on the sofa and when you get to that he gets up, gets something out of the kitchen and you can sit down instead (can I sit down here?)


Thank you. If that's done first, what should I do in the process, so during the movie? So I thought maybe accidentally touch his hand or something xD


Well, emm, well depends…

So, if you've ever been 'in contact', have a mutual interest AND you both know about it, it should be a bit easier, but that's natl no guarantee!

Personally, I have always been rather reserved. So ala, 'I'm not the first to touch a female person, afterwards she complains about a sexual assault!' But many other men / boys are less restrained! Some would hug the vllt directly, or 'offer' it, OR 'conceal' it 'skillfully' (the classic: yawning, stretching arms and gently lowering them on the shoulder!).

Conversely, I do not find that a problem when women are not brutal or very intimate! Also, she would have x options that are not (too) embarrassing to the mMn (comes on age)!

-If it gets late, lean on / cuddle (May I have? Do you mind?)

-If it gets 'exciting', or 'scary', also reach up to him (twitch in his direction), or reach for his hand

-You could suggest that you want to whisper something in his ear and pull him to your mouth at the back of his neck. For example, about the movie, or "May I…, do you mind if I…".

- You could hide the contact in front of the others by crossing your arms in front of your body and trying to make contact with your arm with the hand of the lower, hidden arm (plucking at the clothes until you can grab it) OR he does the same thing you can 'play' with your fingers!

You could put your hand on his thigh, or on his hand, with a finger for his. Look how he reacts! If he reciprocates the contact, you could take the whole hand, push it further up, put both hands or just his hand on your thigh (depending on your age, the film could then take a back seat, depending on how far you are slips up…).