English series / films to improve his English basic knowledge?

- in Movies

I'm 15 years old (10th grade) and have a very bad basic knowledge in English. I want to somehow try to improve, for the final exam.

I heard that many of them watch English series / movies (with subtitles)

Does anyone else do that? Can one recommend that or are there better methods?

and can anyone recommend good netflix / Amazon series here?

-Thank you


It's best if you watch a series or a movie because you've already seen. Then you understand what it's about to try to watch English YouTube channels and one last tip is best always with English subtitles sunstorm you focus too much on the subtitle and too little on the spoken


A warning:

I made B1 the career ladder (which you just had to have in the final exam) to C1 by watching anime.

Why anime? Anime with English subtitles shows the exact meanings of the words in the action. "Look at that building!" (Picture: It is shown with the index finger on the building).

But I have about 3 years circa. An average of 3 episodes per day (24 minutes x 3)

Also still Reddit. Reddit could possibly help you more at the beginning and in the final stage. It's a mix of social media and forum. It's the # 3 most visited American website, where you get to know fresh memes, etc. First of all, in front of your friends, because they often come from them.

At the end of the 10th grade Hauptschule I reached C1 level


The Jane Austen films.

The Downton Abbey series.

The advantage is that at least the Jane Austen films in the upper class, and so people talk too. That's really good.

The Downton Abbey series plays partly in the upper class in the nobility, but also in the working class, in the servants. But understanding is also good with English subtitles.

Do not take German subtitles, they will not help you. And best you look at the movies several times.