Improve English, what helps?

- in Movies

I wasn't so lucky with English teachers when I was at school. They weren't there for a long time, we had representatives from time to time and the new one was somehow targeting me because I never got in touch… 😅

Half of my knowledge of English has been acquired on the Internet through English Art Communities. This helped me a lot with the written matters. It is not perfect and accordingly I mostly have vocabulary from this area. 😅

Well, writing is not that bad and is pretty quick. Here comes the real problem… Understanding… I have massive problems understanding what someone says in English. It has improved (I now understand my girlfriend from America much better than 2 years ago), but I still have massive problems with films and series.

At the moment I'm watching a series that I watched in German 2 years ago and always put on the English subtitle. (Netflix)

Do you have any ideas what you could do there? I don't want to just leave my knowledge to the art communities either. Do you know any other methods or apps that help?

P.S. In my current school the level is from English to 0 because there are many who are older and don't understand this language at all.


Memorize many vocabulary. Dialingo app is good but rather English A1.


Learn Babbel languages.

or you go on vacation abroad, challenges are always good.


I play xbox and have a lot of nice amis, english, scots, belgians, french in my friends list. Every end table is different. My buddy from Scotland still gives me a headache today, but the unbeatable best thing is to meet English speakers in real life, you know there's a facebook group for everyone


So far I've always learned the vocabulary through application. I hope to achieve exactly the same thing through films and series and have already recognized a few words. Only speaking is still breaking my head. 😅


My friends list is also very large due to the art communities and I have friends from America, Mexico, Africa (South), Russia etc.

It's one of those things at meetings. As long as I have written well with this person, I can also talk to them. But otherwise it will be difficult. 😅


I had it many years ago when it was new. At some point you had to pay. How does it look now How far can you get without paying? How much does it cost? Is it fair for its price? I'm always very skeptical about something like that. 🤔


I just tried it and it's pretty good, especially because you can train your pronunciation too. You can also pay - but you don't have to.


Understand. Thank you, then I'll try it again. You will have improved a lot since the last time I tried it.


I would switch off the subtitles. They just distract you.

I also find some English series. Very softly set to music. The background noise is sometimes very loud.

I would therefore rather make the sound louder or make sure that the series is spoken more "accent-free" and rather "slowly".

Gilmore Girls is a negative example. They speak so quickly, it's hard to follow. Another negative example is Missfits and the new Doctor. In both, accents are currently Are very, very difficult to understand.

On YT you will find some or all of the episodes of "the Lost world" that actually speak relatively comprehensibly and not quickly. The topics are always roughly the same so that you have the vocabulary quickly.


Watch children's films in English or children's series. There's not too complicated and not too fast talking. It's good for a start. If you understand most of it, try repeating it. Then only go to adult level.


The subtitle helps me personally, so I combine the words that I actually can with the correct pronunciation. Just because of the pronunciation, I don't really understand it. 😅

At the moment I'm watching ZOO and I'm very good at it.


I already have some things that I liked very much as a child. ^ - ^


I know what you're using it for but reading is a crutch. You understand the word because you read it, not because you hear it.

If you want to understand it because of hearing then you have to practice listening and that is better if you don't do something else at the same time.

In addition, subtitles and text are usually not 1 to 1, so you don't necessarily hear what you read.

You get 1 to 1 if you e.g. Get a Harry Potter audiobook and then share the paper book. But there's also not doing both at the same time, but rather reading a page and then listening. Read to know what's coming & then focus on listening.


I do it so that I listen very actively and read on the side, so I skimmed over the text while listening… It's kind of hard to explain. 🤔

I'm going to check if it's 1 to 1 and that's it. I also notice it when listening and comparing. 😅

I watched Harry Potter entirely in English with no subtitles and it was pretty difficult, I can't concentrate so much on listening alone for 2+ hours. With subtitles it is different since I can now look at the word again if there are any uncertainties.

I'll see when I can do it without subtitles, but I think it will be this year if I keep doing it. 😊