How to learn English well?


I'm in 8th grade and my pronunciation in English is miserable…

I wanted to ask how much it can help to start watching TV series (for me Netflix) in English? If you watch an episode every day, how long does it take for something to improve? How much does it help? Does it improve pronunciation? More please? Experience?

I'm interested in improving my english. I love Spanish, I'm good at it, etc… But English is the world language, many courses require it, because of the literature, etc. And I want to start taking care of it.

What else can I do? Please answer, even if there are already many answers, please.


So I know that you watch the film in German and then watch the film again in English or read the book about the film.

you could also go on vacation to England or visit a so-called "language camp".


Do you watch series in English? If so, what? Does it help?


It had helped me to speak English to people playing games.


Yes helps already I would recommend you to watch something with which you are familiar or a film because you know it completely by heart so you can expand your english vocabulary.


Haha OK 😂 I don't gamble; / Thanks!


It personally helped me a lot to watch YouTube videos and Netflix series in English. The best thing to do is to simply watch your favorite series again in English! It also helped me a lot to read a lot in English, as well as to speak and write a lot in English. How many episodes you watch and how often doesn't really matter, because something like this improves or changes differently for everyone, just try it out.


There are many ways you can improve your English. I have always been very good in English and that because I was confronted with the language very early on, what you are taught at school will never be enough for you.

A good way is, as you said, to watch series (advantageous with subtitles). But not only that. English music also improves your English and your understanding of English, by listening to someone who speaks English, you memorize several words and at the same time, this can help you later with an English communication.

Video games are also recommended, because I learned the most from them. Everything you see in German like your main menu etc will be displayed in English, and since sometimes in video games there's communication with online players, you can communicate directly with other people.

Other ways would be books and films. The most effective way is if you just speak English very often.


You can find good tips for English pronunciation in the following videos:

3 tips for sounding like a native speaker

How to sound like a native speaker: The Secret

Even if a stay in an English-speaking country (vacation, host family, student exchange, au pair, work and travel, etc.) would be best to improve your English pronunciation (if possible alone, otherwise you would like to send your companion), trips abroad are usually is a time and financial problem.

Tips for at home:

• Watch English television and films

• Listen to English radio (BBC on the Internet, with podcast download)

• listen to English podcasts, e.g.

- English very easy - The new listening course, Hueber

- BBC Podcast 6 Minute English

- Podcast archive: Business Spotlight Podcast

- Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab


• Record vocabulary and phrases as MP3+ play and listen to it again and again, speak along or speak into a speech gap

• Watch DVDs in English (especially if you already know your favorite film in German by heart).

• looking for an English letter / email / chat friend or tandem partner

• Find an English language or conversation course (e.g. VHS), a theater group, a reading circle, etc.

• Set up Skype and look for native English speakers as conversation partners.

• join a German-English / American society

• Find a language tandem partner:

I used to have that for pronunciation and language training

Interactive language tour V10 recommended by Koch Media GmbH.

In the product description it said:

The individual language course for learners with previous knowledge. Language course 2 in the new version is the complete language course for learners who already know the language a little. Newly developed pronunciation analysis With the completely newly developed pronunciation analysis, IntelliSpeech (the "best speech recognition" according to Stiftung Warentest) is again significantly more powerful in version 10 of the interactive language tour. During the pronunciation training, the software analyzes pronunciation, suggests repetitions or individual training of words or syllables and thus systematically leads to a perfect pronunciation. Additional forms of exercise The focused pronunciation training is supported by a variety of additional pronunciation exercises and new forms of exercise. This makes the possibilities for optimizing pronunciation as diverse and effective as never before. Learning target analysis and placement test The software analyzes the information provided by the learner on the learning objective and available learning time and uses a detailed placement test to determine his or her previous knowledge. The new learning planner then creates a learning plan structured according to individual requirements and needs - and leads the learner to his personal learning success in a reliable and targeted manner! Interface to portable devices For the first time with language learning software, mobile learning is really supported. The new version 10 of the Interactive Language Travel offers an easy-to-use interface to portable devices with which selected learning content can be transferred to a cell phone, iPod or MP3 player. Extended range of exercises The current articles in the online magazine are now directly integrated into the language courses, fully set to music and comprehensively supplemented with your own exercises for listening and text comprehension. Intuitive user guidance In order to ensure that the multitude of contents and functions remain manageable, the introduction to the program was made more intuitive.

The software was available from Amazon for around € 60. The successor version of the interactive language tour V10 then came to around € 190.

Maybe you can still find the old version somewhere or something comparable.

This may correspond to the interactive language tour (s): Language course 1, 2, 3 English from Digital Publishing (via Hueber Verlag)

Language learning package with over 10,000 exercises on vocabulary, listening / text comprehension and grammar
Video tutor and voice pilot offer optimal support for deepening language skills
Interactive videos for active communication training
Intelligent correction and learning statistics with detailed feedback on learning progress


Danke! That's a lot 😅

I will take the podcasts to heart and use the corona time.


Do you have good Netflix series? Please name a few, I despair because somehow nothing attracts me: / Best original.


Stranger things was pretty understandable in English. But that's not for everyone and only from 16 haha. Brooklyn nine nine or house of money was also understandable. Just have to see what you find interesting haha.

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