What are the real reasons why the highly praised vendors such as Netflix often disappear entire series & movies?

- in Movies

Over and over again my uncle and my aunt complain when another series or film has disappeared from the offer - and for other offers like me, they do not want to evade for some strange reason.

As I said, what do you think are the "true" reasons why so many movies often disappear from Netflix, Amazon Sky Go & Co?

It's just a mystery to me.


It has nothing to do with "true reasons". It is a fact that Netflix does not acquire self-produced films and series by license and that these licenses expire at some point. And a few months later, Netflix may choose to spend money on the film / series license to buy it again, depending on whether it was worth it.


So again what I almost thought… - that it's just about that one again!


Of course. ^^ Money rules the world. ^^


And I think that's disgusting - why? Because you just put everything under the bushel of money!


Netflix has to buy the licenses for the movies & TV series and these licenses are only valid for a certain period of time. When a license expires, Netflix must decide whether or not to pay extra. But ultimately, the right-holders (ie Disney, Universal, Sony, etc.) have the last word and can decide who they sell a license for and for how long.


And further, I wonder if you can easily download the movies from these streaming sites?

With serial stream's experience, it's quite easy - at Netflix & Co. I have no idea.


Netflix is a commercial company. Of course it's about money. A company is all about money. What else, please?


Netflix offers a download feature, then you can watch the movies offline, but if the movie disappears from Netflix, then the download.


Hola the forest fairy, this naivety bordering on stupidity is really extraordinary.


Admittedly: I'm surprised that Netflix offers a download function!

And am I right in the assumption that these films are edited so that if the movie is deleted online, then synonymous on my media hard drive, etc. Disappears? If so, is that a joke!


Glad you think I'm stupid when I'm in truth!


This is not impudence, but just the business model.

If you want to own a movie, then you have to buy it and with a Netflix subscription, you do not have the right to keep the movie forever.


Why should that be impudence? You pay for a service. As soon as this service no longer covers something, it just disappears. If you owned the movie, it would be a joke.


That should not be impudence? Are you crazy? This is impudence high 10, if the movie is then synonymous deleted from the PC! Everything is right!


Above all, a company needs money, because otherwise they may close or go insolvent.


Have yes written, if the movie is synonymous then deleted from my PC! And if that is the case, that is an impertinence beyond compare!


Nope is not. You still have no ownership and the movie exists only in an encrypted format in a folder of the Netflixapp.

The file itself can indeed save away. Will hardly stop you, but we could not do anything with it.

So why should it be impudence?


You really do not get it, right? I've downloaded the film with a clear conscience and then Netflix is formed to be allowed to penetrate my PC and arbitrarily delete my movies allowed! This is an invasion of privacy!

Furthermore, you have confirmed me to continue to use no Netflix! Because that's just me over the hat line, if Netflix has access to my films!


You really have no idea or right? So absolutely no? Not even the slightest?

You load the movie / series via Netflixapp on the phone / tablet / computer. You have no ownership claim. They do not penetrate your PC, but you install the app so that YOU have the series offline available.

And it's still NOT YOUR movies.


I do not care what you believe in me. Therefore, it confirms my mentality more and more, not to use Netflix!

If I'm not even free on my downloaded movies, it's just below the belt!


Okay, you have no idea about technology, payment models, copyright and do not want to spend money, but at the same time do not admit that you just do not want to spend money.


Do you also drive black, because you can't use all trains of the world forever with a single ticket?


Believe me: I've only been driving black once - in Vienna! From Monday to Friday as a student I have a student free ride at the ÖBB! And if you want to assert now that this does not exist - please research at the ÖBB!


Netflix actually has an answer to their pages for almost every question. You just have to find:

Why are titles no longer available on Netflix?
Netflix Acquires Licenses for Series and Movies from Studios and Content Providers Around the World. These licenses may expire if we do not renew them. We strive to keep the content you want to see, but we only acquire the licensing rights for series and movies for a limited period of time - not indefinitely. Therefore, some titles are no longer offered on Netflix. If we remove a title that you liked, that's because our license agreement ends with the content provider.

If the license for a title expires, we will check if we should renew the license. In doing so, we apply the same criteria that we use to license new content. Among other things, we consider the following factors:

Are the rights to license renewal to stream the title still available?
How popular is a particular title and how much does it cost to renew?
Are there other scale or region dependent factors?

If the license for a title is extended, you can continue to enjoy the title through our service. If the license for a title is not renewed, we will inform you in advance on our website that the license expires. For more information, see https://help.netflix.com/...node/41298.

If there's a particular title that you would like to see in Netflix's offer, you can use https://help.netflix.com/...tlerequest.

Source: https://help.netflix.com/...node/60541


But why do not you drive through the entire world? Why do not you complain that others get into trouble because of black traffic? They have certainly schonmal sometime bought a ticket somewhere to any place.


I wonder why? Because I have no desire during my school days to travel across Austria by train.


But what about all the others who are being prosecuted for dodging? What do you think about driving in the dark? Is it right in your view? If not: why not, if you still consider the use of KinoX as perfectly alright?

Do you want to be paid later in the job sometimes or haste no problem there, if your boss says that he has no desire to pay you, because it is too expensive?


The job is completely different - and therefore leave the church in the village! And Kinox & Schwarzfahren are also 2 pairs of boots!


Nope why? When driving black and KinoX you get benefits without paying them. One is promotion, the other is watching a movie or series.

And you do not feel like watching movies pay the money to buy them. As a result, other people get less money. So where is the difference if your boss does not want to pay you?

The only difference may be that one is legal in Austria, at least as far as I know. Morally and factually, I see no particular difference.


Believe me: All this good-humorous philosophy just does not want to get into my brain!

Still missing is that you claim now: Everything that is free, is illegal and is punished!


Ouh the nice keyword "good man". In this case, it is said that you are a good person when you pay others for their work.

Anything that is free is Illegal and is punished!

No, but what harms others is punished in my view. CC, Open Source, GNU GPL and Co, I know quite well, so I would never come up with such a feeble-minded sentence.


If you want to know it honestly: I have more important than to deal with do-gooders like you!


Well, do not say that later to your boss. VII. Does not he find it so great to be called a good guy just because he pays his employees.


You do not buy the movie through the download stop, but rent or borrow it only for a while, such as movies in a video store (or other things like rental cars).

Is almost certainly synonymous in the terms and conditions that you accept by signing a contract.