Why does everything look so real in some films?

- in Movies

Sometimes when I watch films, I wonder if any of them could be real and wonder how they manage to make it look so real. Of course, I can't compare that because I was never there when someone was hit by a bullet, blown up by a bomb, or the like. But honestly, some things don't look a little too real to be not real? I don't watch horror movies or anything, just normal movies on Netflix.


It looks so real because we live in 2020 and a lot is possible today.


What do you want to know now Depending on what it is, it is done with the computer.


Special effects, make up… There are a lot. If you're interested, check out some making offs on YouTube


Practical effects are still better.


Body parts fly around, explosions everywhere, but people go right through the middle, blood splatters and people seem to really be knocked back by the force of a shot. Sometimes I think, my god, what did they do to make it look so real?


And what is that?


Now you mean "injuries" to people you see there, for example. With a lot of blood - I think that often doesn't look "real" at all (of course there are exceptions).

You can see correctly that people are only 'painted' and the injuries are not real.

I read somewhere that "fake blood" is sometimes used for something like this. For "film purposes" alone there are over 200 different types.

Other tricks are used for other things. Various camera settings, computer animations, real "plastic models" of body parts.etc.

Of course, light effects and make-up are also used.

If you compare these effects with those in films that are already decades old, it is striking that the "realism" (the younger the film is) is becoming more and more natural.


Sometimes I find explosions too real, shots and blows, and when torture is portrayed in the film.