Internet acquaintances from chatroom real or fake?


I have been writing for about 1 month on a chat room page without registration (chatroom2000), but where you can quasi "reserve" your nickname with a password and then add people there.
So for a month now I've been writing with a person who claims to be 2 years older (his supposed age is also in his nickname). We get along really well, he also sometimes said that he only really writes with about 2 people there on a regular basis. Whether I can believe him, like everything else there, is very controversial. However, if I believed him, he really seems to be correct. He also asks in public chat from time to time about people who want to write normally (because a good 99% write there quite perverse). And I only write there with supposedly "normal" and only with very, very few regularly.
He also once said that he had been there before and would have exchanged numbers with one there, which luckily went well, but he never otherwise gives any personal data there and so on. And he also said to me that I shouldn't do that and so (because I've already told him about my doubts from time to time).

But what makes me most suspicious is that he feels like he's hanging around there all day unless he has to work (training). He writes on cell phones, you can see that there and he once said that he also always does other things, like Netflix, YouTube or something. Everything is possible. However, it is almost always displayed to me as online. He said that if he uses other apps, is shown as offline and he estimated that after about 3 minutes. Sometimes the time is right, sometimes not. Of course, this can also be due to the side itself. And I mean, I don't know if he's not on television on YouTube or Netflix.
Otherwise, the things he tells seem somehow plausible and logical and he doesn't tell that one day and the other the other.

I also told some friends about it that I should just write carefully and as long as I don't meet, nothing can happen.

Basically, I see it that way, but I'm still afraid that he knows what I'm a 45-year-old pervert or something and gradually wins the trust or something. I mean, there are all sorts of stories where people looked more real than real, but were fake and then something happened.

If the school starts again sometime, I also think that it would be less because I have normal social contacts again and so ^^

So as I said, I'm really unsure about this and I'm about to "unsubscribe" there, but it's also really fun to write with him and as long as I don't give private information and don't meet, I really can't happen so much right?

What do you say?


First of all it would be interesting how old you are.

If you are 14 or so, I would definitely not meet or reveal any private things that could lead to him finding out where you live.

But if you are a bit older, over 18, and your conversation continues to be "normal", in my opinion there's no reason not to meet.

As a first meeting point, I would recommend a public place, a café or something similar, when corona is over. You can easily leave there at any time if something does not suit you, but if you meet in the forest or even at his home or he suggests it, I would not go there.

The fact that he is currently often on is nothing bad, I do not go to work due to corona and I have been very active on girlfriend since then.


Short video call via Whatsapp - you already know whether the frog has curls or not.

Everything else is nonsensical, because without such a review everyone can pretend to be someone else (and that happens much more often than you think!)

If someone doesn't want that - break off contact, then something is wrong.


You enjoy writing with him and in the current situation it is good if not all social contacts break off.

Enjoy it while it feels good and stop when it changes.

As you said, when school starts again, you may no longer need such contacts.

Listen to your stomach, your gut feeling is good advice.

And as already said, do not give out any personal information about the exact place of residence, Facebook account, email address, cell phone number, etc. If the platform is the only interface between you, it will be easy to cut it if your feeling advises it.


Thanks for the reply ^^

I'm 17, but will soon be 18.

But I still don't really want to meet, and certainly not because he also lives in another state. And a friend said that if you meet, then definitely take others with you and, as you also said, definitely in a public place.


As long as it's just writing, nothing can happen to you. There are also shy boys who are normal and are looking for friends in such chats because they really have few. You are cautious and as long as you only write with him about general topics, corona, school, films etc. Is that ok.


Thanks for the reply ^^

Well at the moment my gut feeling tells me to rather stop. But not because he wrote something critical or something. (So he sometimes makes ambiguous jokes, but I think that's normal, especially at our age ^^)
I'm just just very scared again, but in between I had doubts from time to time, which then subsided.


Then you only know whether he cheated with age and gender, but not how he ticked or what he intended.


Thanks for the reply ^^

I don't have my own cell phone, so I don't have a Whatsapp or the like. A friend once asked for his Instagram name, but he said it was a bit personal. I mean, I wouldn't say that myself. If he's real, he can't know if I'm not a fake myself…


But I already know a lot more than I knew before.

Of course, Baron Munchausen can still be in miniature - but it makes a difference whether a 17-year-old writes with someone about the same age, or whether a 50-year-old with a Schiesser fine rib hangs on his cell phone and waves his palm


Yes, taking a good friend or something like that wouldn't be bad. It is best to meet in a café that you normally never visit and not in your regular cafe, because if he is psychological he could be waiting for you in this cafe because he thinks you live nearby. You never know how someone from the internet really ticks.

17 is actually okay, as I said at 12-15 I find such meetings rather questionable, because it could also be any pedo.

You can ask him about his work, what exactly he is doing etc. And see if you can find contradictory statements somewhere.


Thanks for the reply ^^

If he is who he claims to be, he doesn't seem to be shy and has enough friends. But he also said that it is just a chat and nothing more.


Maybe you should also look for other chat partners to have a comparison. And if it feels weird in general, maybe that's just not for you.


Okay this description already had something xD
But I also see it that way.


Fear of what? And where does this fear come from? Bad, real experiences or just seen / read too many thrillers?


I also write with a few others, but not so much with them and they are relatively similar, or I don't have so much conversation with them because, for example, one is 10 years older (with whom I study, for example, at school etc. Can talk).

I'm just scared because there are enough cases where the internet best friend who was considered so real was suddenly a 40 year old and not 18 or so.
And besides, my parents don't know about it, but I don't want to tell them either because they wouldn't like it at all. But I also don't have my own cell phone, which means that in real life I don't write with a lot of people (only a few via email) and I'm more directed to meetings etc. I think that was also the very first reason why I chose to chat I just went to try something (chatting with guys, so to speak)


Yes okay, that makes sense. I think I'll write about it again later with him. Maybe he will give me his instan name after all.


Concerns about the truth of your chat partner can knock back if it should result in a meeting.

Purely online, you don't have to worry non-stop. As long as he doesn't get any information with which he can google you, last name, place of residence etc. He won't just be at the door.

Listen to your stomach and stop brooding.


I just remembered that I also briefly wrote him twice under a different name, just to know how he would otherwise write. It was just a few messages both times. The first time I wrote completely differently than usual and more like most people write there, and he wrote in a normal, friendly manner as always and at some point did not write anymore (which is perhaps because "I" was too funny for him ). The second time was a few days ago and I wrote very nicely. But that was just some news.
On both occasions he wrote as usual, and what he wrote also matched what he wrote to me (my real nickname there).
Of course it can still be that he just writes the same thing with everyone and is fake and has thought it out and just practiced in it or what do I know


Okay ^^ No, under no circumstances will I give him last names or the like and so on. I recently told him more or less "accidentally" when it was my birthday - but that shouldn't be that bad, should it?


No, the information alone does not help.


Depends on how you see it. If it is exciting for you, you do not know the chat, and therefore do not know what is going on there, that is ok. Then it doesn't matter that much whether it is fictional or not. Then it's just a game. It happened to me myself, but it was different. I met a girl in a chat and we played some role games together. I also couldn't be sure if I was really playing with a girl or not. I don't care because I strictly separate it, imagination is everything. At that time I was a pretty well known comic artist. She started sending me videos where I could see her drawing. I could then see on the fingers that it was really a girl. She sent me a postcard to find out that I myself am not flunker and pretend to be something else. The age difference was huge, however, about 20 years. She even wanted to visit me once, which I then refused. The whole thing took about 3 years.


Thanks for your answer ^^
Did you know beforehand that the age difference was so big?

I would never really want to meet him either, so for me it is actually "only" something on the Internet. We never have role-playing games or anything. So except maybe something like, "Come here, then we can eat together" or something. But now nothing blatant or something ^^

In this chat there are only very creepy people sometimes, but surely there are also "normal" people who really only want to chat. But I do not know what his intentions are and whether he will eventually I want to build more and more trust and then do something else with it. That's what scares me.

And the idea that he might not be who he claims to be is a weird one.


No, of course I didn't know that. But I didn't finish it as long as it was only online. But I did what I hardly do otherwise. I gave my name and address. We also called on and off. And later we also met in cam chats. But for me it was clear from the outset to strictly separate online and life.


Okay, but it could have gone very wrong with the output of the data. I mean, a lot could have happened with that, regardless of whether you separate online and offline life. But were you never afraid that you would somehow lose control and someday say something, do something or something that you didn't want, but that you had built up too much trust in the person?


I saw no problem myself, after all I'm a man, but I would strongly advise against giving out such data. Many a nice, friendly guy can quickly reveal himself to something else if he drops his mask. Doesn't have to be, but can. Just ask yourself the question, why do such super nice people hang out in such chats?


So would you advise me to break off the contact?

Could (!) Really be that he is just there out of boredom and usually only searches for normal chats.
After all, he doesn't shower me with compliments like others do, but I don't write with them very quickly either, because that's unbelievable.


I do not advise anything in this case. Just separate your life and life on the web. I do it that way and love it. I've been hanging around in Second Life for years and I know that almost everything is faked. Doesn't bother me as long as the illusion is perfect. I wouldn't mix that with my life either.


Joa told him again about my doubts earlier and he said he could understand it and so and if I somehow don't want to write anymore, that's okay and so.
He hasn't really said anything contradictory yet. I also deliberately called his training different, so mechatronic engineer instead of mechanic and he corrected me correctly.
And I also wrote him twice very briefly under a different name and he wrote as always and also said everything he said directly to me ^^


Then it looks good so far.


Could only be that everything is made up ^^