Booked a subscription with a fake credit card?


So I'll explain it to you

I subscribed to some NEWS page or something.

It was like this:

I saw a video in which a guy with a "fake credit card" subscribed to Netflix. He took direct debit and that's why I thought "Is it again as fake as ever" I tried it on some NEWS page.

Now I have a subscription with them but I didn't even want one, I didn't even know that something like that was possible. I always thought you had to search the Darknet for a long time.

The problem I can't cancel, so I took a fake phone number like the guy said and I don't have it

What's happening now


Actually comes a code that you have to enter as long as nothing is booked, nothing will happen to you and there's no way how it should go that easy.


That's cheating. Lets see what happens. It will be easy to find you


Why easy?


Don't worry, where should he just enter something without pw and without code


Even if you did sec. It won't be that difficult with you, I'm sure


If you are lucky, your subscription will be deactivated after a short time. If you are unlucky, a debt collection company will contact you in a few years and present you with your outstanding debts including compound interest and fees.


In a few years?

Don't they notice something earlier


Yes, but then they earn less from it.