Adhere to subscriptions?


I have a question about various subscriptions and although if you complete a subscription with a bank account / credit card is regularly (Monthly / Weekly) money from this for the subscription. Now my question: If the money should be deducted should have not availabil, or a fake bank account uses the bank account so 0 euro so usually the subscription is simply stopped but if (that is with some so) the money only at the end of Monthly debited, yes, the amount of numbers would still exist. Would the subscription then just stay stopped until you pay the amount, or would the subscription provider (Netflix, Amazon Prime or other non-streaming services) sometime by mail or email on one and demand the money? And how long would that be if, for example, The IP address is located and you get a letter because as far as I know likely IP addresses are stored by the provider 7 days.


Depending on the company, they act differently. Tricks you better not there.


If you enter a fake account to get a subscription or know that you do not have the money to pay for it, you call it all "conspiracy fraud".

The newspaper publisher will find this anything but funny and you will only get mail from a collection agency and then from the prosecutor


Surely you do not seriously expect to get tips for scams here?