Netflix fake email and fake iban registered but with the correct phone number?


Hello dear fellow humans and I was thinking that I would open my girlfriend a Netflix account for one month (gratitude month) I copied with the page fake it iban nr and copied with the 10min mail fake account but unfortunately I entered my own no. Around the code to get. After logging in I accidentally logged out instead of deleting the account… I don't remember the email name or what else is the problem that I entered my number and can't delete the account now what could happen after a month?


What if I change my number?


It's all saved. If Netflix finds out, then you can imagine what will happen.


It's amazing what a high level of criminal energy some people have to get Netflix free for a month.

Since you have probably veiled your IP address, you can find yourself alone over it. Since you didn't intend to pay from the start, this can be seen as a fraud, in addition to the civil consequences.


Would it help if I contact Netflix?