Best Netflix series? - 1


Best Netflix series?


House of Money is more profound and shows society today.

The gap between rich and poor becomes clear here and we do not know who is bad or good


House of money is more dimensional. It is not like the typical US series with flat monologues, it has many plot lines and it is also much more real, because people can lie, be wrong, have different opinions, everything falls to their feet, even if everyone triumphs.

It is not made for the stupidest viewer to accept, but simply requires a lot, which means that logistics work or some preparation is missing and is simply assumed, because you stick to the interesting things or the interpersonal, instead of every DAZ down to the smallest detail to have to prove.

Stranger Things may remind you of the time, but people had longer hair, instead of clothing stores there were record stores, people were not so consumer-oriented, more independent. I don't think the time is coming.


Pretty Little Liars


Greenhouse Academy


From this selection house of money. But basically I think Dark is best (at least at the moment).


Thanks, then you can also vote on "Other".


Yes, I've only seen that there were "others" as a choice. 😅

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