For nothing anymore why?


Hey guys I'm 14 and yes I'm an athlete and a few months ago everything was just fine and suddenly I hate the sport and just never want to go to training again I got so lazy… I just don't want to do anything anymore just watch Netflix and ne Bag of chips… Every night I cry myself to sleep I also became very, very bad at school but I just don't want to tell my mom how bad I'm… I just don't trust myself and I think I'm skinny addicted I weigh myself every day and I gain weight because I just like to eat very much but when I weigh myself and see that I suddenly weigh 49 kg I start to cry… Please I need help I hope for a few answers Lg M.


Don't quite come along, do you think you weigh too much or too little right now?


These are normal signs of puberty. Except for the anorexic, look for help. (49 kilos is nothing 😉)


I think too much.


Then google for a BMI calculator (for children) and see if that is actually true.

Weight Loss Tips: Losing weight is 95% food and 5% exercise. So eating less helps.

And to get back into sports simply routine helps. Make it part of your daily routine and don't even think about whether you want to do it or not. Well if this is a sports club it is something else again…


Just start doing sports again and do a dopamine detox… It's exhausting but changes your motivation.

Due to the poor performance in school and the happiness with Netflix and eating chips, you are in an intensifying negative cycle. Just doing sport then you feel better


I weigh too little and I can't change anything about it… That's the way it is, but it's still over. Just have to do something for it!


If you weigh too much you can eat less and if you are underweight you can eat more. This is pure mathematics, the chance that it won't work for you 1 in 1 million, you should already have a very specific illness


Oh wow that just pushed me very much thanks for that! Do you think that's how much I weigh for my age?: / Thanks a lot helped me a lot: 3


No problem. No, definitely not. It would still be ok at 55. Remember, muscles weigh more than fat

Since you are or should be quite fit because of the long sports time before, it is fully ok


Playing basketball? Okay no front



• I'm growing

• I have a bad metabolism

• Lent is at the moment, but it is difficult even without it.

Is only stupid if you lose 5 kg because of fasting and then weigh 57 kg with 1.80;


Playing basketball is serious.

Playing basketball is just for fun without points

Gambling and playing are very different, especially in the club


Aso I always gamble with video games sry on my part


No problem. I didn't quite know before basketball basket


You're in puberty because the hormones and feelings are going crazy. Tell your Ma, she was also young and knows exactly how it is, she will understand you and help you.


Nobody forces you to fast, don't let a religion dictate how you have to live. You are now at the age when you have to critically question which aspects of a religion make sense and which are not. You don't have to do everything