Netflix image quality?


Have the "medium" subscription with Netflix. So with HD quality. But I regularly have the problem that I sometimes have really bad pixel quality throughout. Look over Xbox and have, for example, 22 megabits.

From time to time it happens that the picture is really clear - but lately this really bad quality is piling up… We're far away from HD.

I also set the settings so that the playback is scaled to high.

Is it the router?


The WLAN is probably used for other purposes (i.e. By other people) and therefore the Internet is a little weaker when streaming


This is a router problem.


1) Move the router closer to the device

2) Restart router

3) Re-establish the Internet connection on the Xbox

4) Use LAN

Have the same problem with the Amazon Fire TV Stick.


Well, unless someone has not hooked in without permission. Two person household - where Netflix is watched together


Router is almost next door. Yes, but I also suspect that there's something wrong with the connection in general… If you switch on the Xbox profile, there's often no connection to the Internet… 🙄


Your monitor has an integer multiple of the HD resolution. Otherwise it is interpolated.


Brand new 4K capable TV.


You still have to have exactly the dares. 4K is only used as advertising. Whether HD looks better then remains to be seen. 1900x1080 = HD.


Well, the last two evenings always watched films - it was funny, flawlessly… Gradually believe that it is due to certain series?! 🤷🏻♀️