How long can I use my MacBook?


I have a MacBook Pro 2017 in the standard equipment and bought it in 2019. I only use it for things like Netflix, YouTube, writing or surfing. So nothing that requires performance. How long would it hold without problems and fluently? So how long could I use it? Lg


Until he gives up the ghost in terms of hardware.


So determined 5 years, but rather 7-8


Mine is over ten years old.
Except for a new ssd, everything is original.

Edit: But the current ones won't last that long. The iPhones are ready for garbage after a few years.


My sister hers (used for the same purposes) is already 11 years old, mine 9 years old, that still does (both still with macOS, so not switched to Linux or something)


Well, you will notice that. It makes little sense to think about it today.

Many years in any case - of course nobody can predict with certainty how software and its requirements will develop in the future. But in the past, Macs were provided with the latest macOS version for up to 9 years and security updates for up to 11 years. And most 10-year-old Macs are still good for things like Netflix, YouTube, writing, or surfing.

Of course you can still use 20 year old Macs theoretically - I have some of them - or even older ones. But for things like YouTube or Netflix, the compatibility is of course limited or, if applicable, Not given.

Let's put it this way: by 2025, you definitely won't need to worry. Then we'll see.