Fear of overnight stay with almost friend?


Tomorrow I drive 3-4 hours to my very good "buddy". I will stay with him for 4 days, but the problem is, I'm abnormally afraid.

I constantly get panic attacks and can hardly eat anything from excitement. He knows I love him and he said he loves me too.

But it would be important for him to meet me personally first, otherwise he could actually imagine something with me and would also do something.

I asked my mother and she agreed to stay with him for a few days.

He is 19, I'm 13 and she also knows how old he is.

When I said that I was much too young for him, he said: "I wouldn't care that age doesn't matter to me. What happens happens and you can't do anything against love. If you are older then, nobody will care anyway. "

We already have plans, cuddle, Netflix. He's already looking forward to it.

Now I have a question, what do you think? I'll say it right away, so I'm definitely not feeling ready for my first time and nothing will happen. I told him I would probably sleep with him, but really only when I'm older and I feel ready.

I also have no plan to talk about.

In any case, I'm already very nervous and I'm sure that there will be something like kissing and that he will most likely ask me if I want to be with him.

Tips? 😅


From what I see from the whole:
You 13 meet a 19 year old you have never seen before, your mother also allows you and you want to do something together. I would conclude from the whole thing that he just wants to go but who knows. Incidentally, find it a little careless of your mother that she lets you see him unless she thinks you already know him privately. (in the right)

Tips on what you can do, which I very much doubt:

watch a series or a film and talk about it
go eat
if he doesn't live with you he can show you the surroundings (sights)
the last would be sexual activities, which I would not recommend given the age difference


Ui ui, pretty brave. You want to stay with a guy you have never met in person before. It's no wonder that the A. Is on ice.

I find it worrying that your mother agrees. As a parent, I would not have allowed you to do this at 13 without at least getting to know the guy.

My advice: cancel that with the overnight stay. Going out for ice cream or going to the movies. That's enough to get to know each other first.


He still lives with his parents and two siblings. I think his parents will take care of it and his sister's room is as good as in his room. So it's not separate, her passage to her room is through his room. Actually, my mother only said that he should come to us first because she wants to get to know him, but I also showed her a few chats and I talk to him on the phone every day, every night. In the end she allowed me to go to him because otherwise he would have to wait about 3 months before he got his driver's license