Words used incorrectly in films / series?

- in Movies

I saw the Netflix series Sweet Home today and in one scene a girl said, 'This is how we need light years to get to the first floor', where the distance is measured in light years and not the time.
Then I noticed that this saying has been just as wrong in some series and films, except in Big Bang Theory, where Sheldon even explained it correctly again.
It's like with the word claustrophobia, which is often used as a fear of confined spaces, but it is exactly the opposite, since claustrophobia, also called agoraphobia, is the fear of wide, open spaces, e.g. A desert. Whereas fear of confined spaces is actually called fear of space, i.e. Claustrophobia.

Did you notice any other terms in series or films that were often used incorrectly? I would be interested if you noticed a few things.


How did the German language develop?


If you speak German in Turkish series it is different haha


That's really standard.

As soon as things get more technical, more scientific, they very often just babble. Why is that? The writers themselves have no idea and of course you don't get an expert on the topic, that would be far too expensive.

Hacking is then portrayed as completely absurd.
Or wherever we're in space travel, it is completely misrepresented. Vertical flight upwards and suddenly the astronauts float weightlessly.

I think if you understand what is being said or shown, then you can smile about it and just dismiss it as a conversation.
It's a shame that you don't use the opportunity to get knowledge into the population - on the other hand, these media have no educational mandate.


Since when is something scientifically correct in films and series?

I almost get fits of laughter when they watch a number of "SciFi" films when they say their technical babble… So thin that a 6th-7th grade physics student Class that could already see through!

It's the same with medical things!


That's not because of the German language, the writers of a series are not baked to reproduce correct information in their writing.