Overnight party without garden? Ideas?


I want to do an overnight party with my girlfriend

I've already seen something like what have done with a pool or a trampoline

Only the problem: I have no garden and no trampoline… 😅😂 but I would like to do something similar anyway so something with Netflix and Chill

And just in my room at home I find it too boring and I share a room with my sister

so? Do you have. Ideas? (Similar to the trampoline)


Well then look for a place where you have that. You can also stay in a swimming pool with trampoline and then on the balcony or with agreement of the tenant in the garden of the apartment building or you ask someone.

Best of all, though, you're doing something different, which is more likely. Wireso not adventure in the forest and river, for example, with parents or older siblings. Tent your tent and go to a nice place.


How old are you?
where do you live?

so it just got into the blue…

(goes to a theme park or something, for example)



near Mönchengladbach


Ever heard of it: https://www.google.com/...polinhalle?

a lot of fun:-)