You haven't responded to my calls or WhatsApp for hours, what should I do?


My girlfriend is a person, she actually always answers the phone or writes back in a short time. Today, however, I haven't heard from her since 20:45, neither WhatsApp nor calls. She is a person, she goes to bed late every day, and never before 12 noon. Her past is not necessarily the cleanest and she had many men in front of me, including ONS (though as a single). As soon as something is like this, I'm always afraid that she's with other guys, or what's going on with others. We had a little argument yesterday, but today we discussed and clarified it personally in detail. She thought it was great that we spoke out, but why now something like that?
last (8:45 p.m.) I know, she watched Netflix on her cell phone, and after that I never heard anything again.
I told her that I would call again later 🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️
what should I do now and am I exaggerating mentally?


Maybe she went to bed earlier today. Clarify that with her tomorrow and don't worry too much.


Calm down for now. She probably wasn't with someone else right now, just fell asleep or has to do something.


Above all, you should stop running after her! This is the best way to make yourself as uninteresting and unpopular as possible with a woman! Maybe she just wants to be left alone or she is still angry with you, but didn't really tell you! Carry on and you will see, she and any other woman who may come across you in your life will sooner or later lose interest!

There are a few golden basic rules when dealing with women. One of them is never to run after a woman, if then she should be the one who runs after you. Just turn the tables and don't get in touch with her anymore. Let's see how long it takes for her to get in touch with you?! If you are (still) important to her or she is still interested in you, it shouldn't take too long (approx. 24 hours) until you hear something from her. If it should take longer or if she no longer reports, then this is generally not a good sign! But please don't make the mistake and then run after her again! It is often straight out of it!

Women need this charm of the unknown, I have it now or not! For women, this is simply part of falling in love! And if you give a woman this allure by running after her or revealing her feelings too early or first, then you take that allure away and she suddenly loses interest! That's it, the stove is right out! Since she knows she won the game, it's mine! This is boring for women and they not only lose interest but often also respect for men! Then there's nothing more to be done! That's it! Just a lot of men often don't understand this or simply don't want it to be true and then run after her and make themselves a clown!

I could recommend the book "Rise of the Authentic Lover - from Hi to Sex"! There's a lot in it that should be interesting for you. For now on the Schnell I could recommend you to just look at YouTube: "why you shouldn't run after women!"

All the best and good luck!