Drugs Ecstasy Horror Trip?


I W / 14 took ecstasy the day before yesterday it was a netflix blue but normally it is only available in red, white or pink they have 486 mg or something I luckily only had half that had around 243 mg but I had one horrortrip but that's not really the point now. I have also calculated how many mg I can take with my weight (56 • 1.5 = 84). I was only allowed to take 84mg, but I had 243mg and since I took this pill I'm constantly anxious and afraid of everything and I feel somehow different and I find it very difficult to look forward to things or something. I also always have nightmares when I sleep and I find it difficult to concentrate I wanted to ask if anyone knows what to do that these nightmares and the whole thing go away I want to finally be able to sleep against normal and I can't talk to my parents about anything should i do in your opinion? And I know that you shouldn't take something like that at 14 and that it sucked


243 if that's true that's quite a lot. Did you consume anything else? For example, if you've smoked weed, it can lead to extreme paranoid, I speak from experience that is no longer fun. However, everything should be gone when you are sober.

Try to drink a lot or make yourself a cocoa. The nightmares go away too.

Besides, you're too young for that. Next time, give up any pills. You never know


Ohh stupid thing. It's good that you report here. I had that too. Definitely seek human contact. Explain how you feel. Chewing gum and getting plenty of exercise also help a lot. Breathing techniques e.g. B. The 4-2-8 technique for calming down. Breathe in for 4 sec. 2 hold 8 breathe out. Drink lots of water.

Oh and for the future. No matter what drug you take, don't rely on knowing which tablet is how much mg. Everyone can imitate color and shape. Always take a quarter of a tablet first and wait at least two and a half hours before taking more.

Hopefully you will be better soon.

Regards Alvaro


Thank you, I also hope that it will go away soon and I'll try the breathing technique out maybe it will help. In any case, I will never do anything against it


Getting down or off course after such an experience can be normal. MDMA turns your body's chemical balance upside down. So it is quite possible that your situation will normalize again in the next few days.

If it is bearable and you can wait a little longer, allow yourself some rest and distract yourself. Now the weekend is coming, it might be possible. Perhaps you also have friends with whom you can exchange ideas about what you have experienced in the meantime.

If it doesn't get better within the next week and is unbearable, your family doctor would be the best contact.

I don't know whether you can avoid talking to your parents. Unless they are super-draconian and strict, honesty would be best. After all, everyone makes mistakes once!

All the best!


First of all, you don't get a trip on MDMA because it's not a psychedelic.

Furthermore, the maximum dose for MDMA for women is 1.3 mg per kg of body weight, so your maximum dose would be 72.8 mg IF you were over 18. Really stupid action. Tell your parents about it and see a doctor.