Is it normal that one side tenses and hurts more than the other?


Yesterday my wisdom teeth were removed. Anyway, the left cheek is a bit thicker than the other and I also have a strong sense of tension at this. Whether that also strains at the wounds, I can't define exactly, because it is simply a great tension. The other cheek, on the other hand, does not stretch at all, but it also hurts a little while touching, but not as bad as the left one.

Is this normal or should you rather have it clarified? I'm just afraid it could catch fire; because the wounds are in the mouth.

My cheeks are also very red and when I get up I feel dizzy too, but maybe that's also because I've been just lying there watching TV / Netflix since yesterday, or sleeping.

Also got an antibiotic, which I have to take 3 times a day.


It may be the wound pain that pulls through, but if you want to be sure then go to the doctor again, best regards and get well soon