Does this petition bring anything?


A petition has been launched for a series that has been discontinued, and the petition already has 650,000 signatures, and I wanted to ask if this petition does anything. Perhaps there's a chance that Netflix will continue the series or…


Is rather unlikely.


It depends on why the series would be discontinued, I think. If it was because the viewers' odds were too low, that could bring something. If it was for cost reasons, the petition is probably of no use, but you can still try.


I think so. If 650,000 wanted to continue watching the series, that would still make money for Netflix. Does it make sense to continue the series or is the series already finished with its story?


Can I ask which series it is? Seems to give a lot of fans.


There are books on the series that continue the story for a long time. There are still countless questions that are open.


I think it would be discontinued because CBC no longer wants to work with Netflix in the future.


Anne with an e. I think it is very unknown.


If it is rather unknown, where do the 650,000 signatures come from?


If these 650,000 people quit their Netflix account, it might work. Otherwise, it simply counts for the provider how many want to see it. If there are not enough, another series will follow.