Why do I always cry (for friend?)?


So I (16) had this week with my friend (1.5 months Zsm) a few discrepancies. It would be too complicated to explain that now but I felt very bad and had to cry all the time (actually for unnecessary reasons). We talked a bit about it and then everything was fine again. Only yesterday it was bad again because he did not manage to plan everything to see me. Now he was with me and I had missed him before all the time but when we looked at sometime netflix I was very sad though he was there, somehow because of him and also because of nothing. I can't say exactly why but then at some point I had to cry again and he was very confused and I thought it was not because of him. Then at some point I was fine. But now just at the end where he left, I was so sad again and had to cry.
I'm so confused why I feel the whole time when not really what has happened. I really love my boyfriend a lot and the only thing I could think of is that I do not quite understand that because it's so extreme… What do you think? And it could be that this is not at all connected with my friend so something can be synonymous for no reason? Actually, I NEVER cry.


Sometimes you just cry because the body has so much stress. Maybe that was just very stressful for you not to see him for so long. Most of the time you do not know exactly why you're crying and that's what you're describing, that's why I think that's it.


You said yes, that you had quarreled with him. It may be that it is not yet clear to you and you are only doing so that it is cleared up for you. Or it can be other things that are not good for you right now


Women have 10,000 yearnings that fight daily battles against each other. That's why there's always chaos in the girl's head. So that's the way all girls are. Howl! At some point it stops, then the soul calms down.

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