Do you use Disney +?


For a while, Disney + was advertised as the new Netflix killer. The streaming service has been around for a while now, but I somehow feel that the hype is a bit over?!


I have been using it since disney + is available and am satisfied. You can watch almost all Disney series and films that Amazon Prime doesn't have


Have neither Netflix, nor Disney +, … Now and then Amazon Prime Video.


So, I'm using Disney + and I'm very happy with it. It depends on whether you like Disney films.

My brothers and dad mainly use ed for all of the Marvel and Star Wars films.

My sister, my mother, me and my friends for all the Disney films.

We're all happy with Disney +, but we still have Netflix because we think they're two completely different streaming services.

Disney + is for Disney and Netflix for everything else. It's also a nice addition.


I have both Netflix and Disney +. Disney is more of an addition to Netflix for me because I like Disney films and Pixar etc.


However, it is not comparable to Netflix. Disney + has a clear assortment, which changes only slightly.

So far, there are hardly any new, self-produced series and films, but many are already being planned as well as production.

At Disney + you know exactly what you get. Whoever complains then has no idea.

But you really shouldn't complain about the low price…

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