Which internet tariff?


Pull in the first own apartment you do not know which internet tariff is the right one or by which provider.

In business, one always wants to persuade everything possible therefore here the question…

Requirements of the WLAN:

* must be enough for Netflix HD (so good connection without stagnation when sometimes more people look) and mobile phone

* up to 40 euro per month

Must be a WLAN box (so there's no DSL line)

Request for recommendations from suppliers and tariffs… No technical Chinese Thank you


First for clarification:

Do you really want a mobile internet tariff? You were pleased with LTE, that is expensive but limited in volume - hardly anything for home-style

or do you mean

a DLS provider over a house / apartment connection? Is cheaper and without data volume limit!



Mobile phone rates:



Telephone line u DSL line is not available in the apartment…

Will probably be the expensive LTE… But which provider (3, A1, etc.) u which tariff is enough for Netflix)


Are you from Austria? If so I can only recommend Tmobile! Have there also your data volume limit


If there's a TV cable connection in the new apartment, I advise you to check the Internet offers (2 Play = Internet + Telephone) of the cable operator.


If you have a TV cable connection, this offers itself.

Should this also not be available only a satellite Schüssel and about Internet to realize.

With LTE on the mobile network, it will definitely not work that several simultaneously watch Netflix in HD. For the data throughput is currently too low. One can do that. However, Netflix consumes about 3 GB per hour in HD. For a 10 GB data plan, the volume will be gone after 3 hours of Netflix. But depends on what a mobile phone network you have there. A friend of mine had that too and she did not enjoy a quick access. The masts in their environment did not give that. Sometimes that's the case in the country.