What should one do if suddenly there's no motivation for anything?


I (m / 21) study in the first semester and I just can't motivate myself to do anything for the university.

I feel totally stressed out, though I do nothing else but sleep, do sports, clean up, eat, cook and Netflix all day. This is what my life looks like at the moment and I have the feeling that I'm about to burn out as soon as I make something meaningful.

I'd say I've always been lazy, but I've always been able to overcome the important things in life. Now, being honest, I do not even want to continue my life, I'm not depressed. But I feel so overwhelmed with everything.

In the process, I eat my own food. Relatively healthy and, as I said, exercise regularly.


Nowadays, many young people study who are not really fit to study, but are much better off in a more practical job!

First of all, I would recommend the free psycho consultation at your university, in order to consider together with a specialist whether you should better go for a different, non-academic profession!

As a first aid in such cases, the short-term inclusion of a more physical auxiliary activity in the free economy has proven to bring once again more structure, strength and security in your life!

Greetings from Rainer-JGS,

which has helped many unfortunate students to a lasting happiness!


Remote diagnostics are just as difficult as self-diagnostics. For me that sounds more like fear than burnout.

Could it be that you do not manage to suddenly be responsible for everything?

Excessive demands and fear of failure often cause one to slip into "trivialities" (tidying up, Netflix, exaggerating a lot of sports, healthy eating…), just so you do not have to face the things that scare you…

My advice: stop running away. Make plans for what you have to do by when, and make them as concrete as possible! Instead of "Working through Chapter 1-4 to New Year" you write a kind of timetable: Tue, 17-19 clock: Chapter 1 read, your own questions / keywords to note, Wed, 12-14 clock: repetition, work through predetermined questions, own questions research, examine Do in the lecture and, if necessary, ask if you have understood everything, write down the summary. Next week: Chapter 2, etc., Christmas to New Year: repeat.

This not only the task mountain is clearer and the "delaying" more difficult, you also have regular success!

It is often a good idea to study together with fellow students. Already "non-binding" meetings before or after the lectures or short conversations during the lunch break can help, and it becomes more and more difficult to "hang" others than themselves…

If you still need help, at most universities there are contacts and advice centers. There are also help groups in every major city. It's not so bad if you do not have a professional diagnosis or even do not know what your problem is, look for someone to listen and talk to you about the soul.

All the best!


2 to 3 lines and you understand what it's about, thank you for showing me that again.


What do you study?

Study something with sport, that seems to interest you

Interest is an important motivator