What do people without hobbies do all day long?

- in Free

The question may sound. Extremely stupid, but all my friends have all hobbies and I don't want to be rude / funny when asking someone I hardly know. So I ask people I don't know - you guys out there in front of your computers. What do people without hobbies do in their free time?

I mean clearly - Netflix or something else is cool from time to time, but you have to have something in life that you like to do or not? I just imagine it so sad without hobbies: 0


You sleep a lot.


You have to be like a ghost. When it gets dark you have to rest. Also do e.g. Scorpions sometimes do not move in the sacred resting phase for hours, humans can do that too.


If a person really has nothing that particularly convinces him and he enjoys it, then that person is really lost. Some like to do sports, others play on the PC all day. The others like to tinker with cars. Everyone has something that he enjoys and something called hobbies. If a person doesn't have it yet, he hasn't found it yet.


Getting up - working - shopping - household - bringing up children - sex - sleeping…

Wishing you all the best!