Is it legal to watch Netflix on the smartboard at school?

- in Free

If, purely hypothetical, the class has a free period and a room with a Smartboard is made available, a student logs in with his Netflix account and plays a film that is not youth-free in front of the class. Is that still legal?


That should not be covered by the Netflix terms and conditions.


We have done it many times


Not suitable for minors?

This is definitely irrelevant because you are providing other young people with footage that is not suitable for them. So normally you would not only have problems with school, but also with the parents of the school, youth welfare office and maybe even with the police.

You should ask your teacher or the principal whether you are allowed to watch films at all.



You, apart from a reprimand, not much will happen to you, especially if you are a minor. If the teacher allows it, go for it, now I don't know who should report you there, Netflix certainly not.


That would be a public performance. To do this, the school would have to acquire an extra license.

Even DVDs are not allowed to be shown in public like this. This notice can be seen on every DVD purchased.