No real interests what to do professionally?

- in Free

I have a huge problem and I have no idea what to do professionally. I'm now 19 years old and graduated from high school last year. I started studying mechanical engineering in October but have already stopped because it was really not for me. I also studied it less because I felt like it, but because I was expected to do it or because I felt that it was expected of me. Now I have moved back home and play all day or watch Netflix because I have nothing to do. I can't do any sport because my gym is closed and I don't get a temporary job because no company nearby wants to hire people. My father is now urging me to apply to any medium-sized company for a dual business degree, which I'm absolutely not in the mood for. I never really had any interests that could be made into any profession. In my free time I mostly sat on my PC or cell phone… I'm getting really desperate because I don't want to live on Hartz4, of course, but I also don't feel like working. Seminars and advice regarding career choices have always been pretty pointless…


Security guard. You can do your hobby while you work haha.


I feel for you.


Make a voluntary social year. You can do this in the area of culture, school or nursing. You earn about 450 euro there and can choose a job that you may enjoy.


Then my parents will probably kill me if I waste another year


It's like that, even if you don't want to make a living from resin IV,
the job counselor won't come to you at some point
let more of Harz IV live. Sometime is enough, then
he tells you to shave some Find a helper job!

It's not that you can choose that. First you will
you sanctioned, then sanctioned again until you only
get very little money. Then you live at the minimum.

Otherwise it is not, as you already recognized yourself
have to strive to live their entire life from Harz IV
when the others all go to work. Work doesn't have to be a burden
it can even be fun with the right colleagues
and is even important for your health. Because work, one
Employment, an activity causes your circulation
starts up during the day that you are hungry several times a day,
that you can sleep well at night. I wouldn't work
I would do some sport. You also do
doing your part in society and earning your money.

What I'm going to advise you now is it doesn't matter what you do
The main thing is that you do something. So do some
bit better qualified training in an activity
field that suits you so that you also earn a little more
than 1 euro above the minimum wage so you don't have to do it later
heavy and don't have to whine why you ended up with
Month so little money in your pocket.
You can also do different jobs for 1-2 years
try, i.e. Rumjobben, that's how I did it for years
until I finally get my permanent job with better hourly wages
and found certain freedoms.


From nothing, comes nothing. You will be interested in something! If you can't motivate yourself, go to the army. They'll tell you what to do. Or do a painting job for a few months, then you are grateful if you can study again.