What can I do about my cell phone addiction?


I spend all day on the phone. As soon as I get up, I turn on Netflix, which then runs while I get ready for school and pack my backpack. While driving to school, I listen to music. When I'm alone during the breaks, I also listen to music, on the way home too. When I get home, I watch Netflix again until I go to sleep. This of course usually delays this. When I turn off my phone I get kind of nervous, I can't handle the silence. Then I'm often irritated because of small things, but above all I'm extremely bored. Before I got a cell phone years ago, I had a lot of hobbies. I read a lot and loved to do handicrafts and sewing, I was totally creative. Now I don't feel like doing any of that anymore. I also run out of ideas and feel dull. I've tried withdrawal from certain apps, but I never made it through.

I do not want that anymore! I don't want to be so dependent on this part anymore! I want to have fun again with the things I used to like, I want to be me again! Do you have a suggestion for me?


I feel like you, even have a screen time of 8-12 hours every day. For me, it's mostly because I have friends I could meet. Had wrong friends for years and now I'm afraid to look for new ones.

I'm 19 now, but when I was a minor, my parents often took my cell phone and laptop away from me and that was terrible because I couldn't distract myself anymore. I think withdrawal is bad when you don't have things to do instead.


I know that too well. I would advise against "cold withdrawal", but slowly try to use your cell phone less and less. If you enjoy reading, you can try reading a book during school breaks. Or instead of Netflix in the morning, you could read a magazine. Set fixed times from when to when you use your mobile phone. For example, an hour before going to bed, the cell phone is no longer touched. At some point you expand that with 2 hours, etc.


Simply switch off your mobile phone. I also have a landline connection and whoever wants something from me should call there. If I can't be reached on that, that's how it is. Furthermore, I will never sign a contract for the cell phone.

I only use the cell phone in an emergency or I wait for an important call. That's why I only give my number to a very few people.


I would be interested in what it looks like in prescribed situations. School, eating at home, other situations where there should be no cell phone.

Is it possible to do without the cell phone?

If so, we're not yet addicted, but help should still be provided here.

In this case I would try to agree on clear times when the device is not used. This could work, for example, if the cell phone is collected at a certain time in the evening.

This would not only have the advantage that you can focus on sleep, but also that other people are involved. This is always advantageous for such an implementation.

Gladly in more detail if you are interested.


Aren't you doing homework? What about exercise? Try to exercise every day, e.g. B. Go jogging or weight training at home with your own body weight. Any time you do something with yourself is mobile-free time. Otherwise, I don't think that's so bad if you use your cell phone for music and TV. I use my cell phone all day for university. Online lessons, exchange of information with the learning groups, etc. This is no different in the current Corona situation. And I don't consider myself a cell phone addict. In my free time, however, I do a lot of sport.

For me, cell phone addicts are people who can't put it down even when eating and talking to the family.