Do I have a cell phone addiction?


8 hours working in the office on the PC,

2 hours of fitness,

And then from 6 p.m. To 11 p.m. On my cell phone, PC etc. I'm on Youtube, Netflix, Tiktok etc. Is this a cell phone addiction?

On weekends it is a good 10 hours a day




Yes, because if I have to work on the PC for 8 hours, I definitely have something else to do in the evening than looking at the cell phone


Think about it yourself. Do you think it's normal for someone to look at their smartphone for 45 hours a week?


Yes, somehow. Just go out with friends or something, it can be a lot of fun.


I don't like it with friends. I'm more of a loner


I understand, you don't have to be in a group, but a deep conversation like this is awesome. Do you live in Hamburg? (Because of the name) Explore new places alone! Bobergerdünen for example or bike tour to Wedel