Can jmd give me a more detailed overview of Breaking Bad?


I wanted to start the series because it seems to be good. Netflix says that a teacher teams up with a former student and sells drugs or something. Can jmd explain to me in more detail what happens so roughly in season 1. So that I know if it is worth starting the series for me


So a man who is sick cooks meth and sells it and he donates all the money to his family before it dies.

The End


I swear best summary


Well you learn that in school 😏


The last time I saw the series was 3-4 years ago. It starts with getting lung cancer. To leave something behind for his children (money), he begins to cook meth. He loses his job at school because he turns on a colleague and teams up with an old student to cook meth. His wife learns that he has cancer and then the fun really starts. Look at it. 10/10


Do you think the series is really good?


Walter white is a chemist and teacher at a school and has a disabled son. He is also expecting a baby.

He is diagnosed with cancer.

His brother-in-law works on drug discovery. So he came up with the idea of cooking and selling meth. Since he wants to put money aside for his family as security.

He works with a former student to sell the stuff.

The series is about character development and changing motifs.


Really good. 10/10


Breaking Bad is one of the best series ever produced.